Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin faces

Time: 7:48pm

Place: room

I was staring at the pumpkin face on my ceiling and thought: that's creepy. His triangle eyes that have semi circles to show some type of eyes, are piercing. His ominous triangle nose, right smack in the middle of his face, why use triangles? The doofy two squared shapes for teeth piss me off. Pumpkins are so weird. Their just so symbolic for Halloween. My room is digustingly seasonal and festive. I think I'm going to rip every thing down. The festiveness is bothering me. Then again, I never have to put up decorations for holidays because their already there. Whatever. I was just wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Why am I festive? I hate football it's on every channel, I have nothing to watch now. Ahhh, Beetlejuice. Awesome, this movie is the best, that's the one good thing about Halloween. Peace.

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