Monday, September 15, 2008

Angels In America

Date: sept 15, 2008


Place: my room

Im watching one of the most powerful and longest movie I have ever seen. It's based in new york city with certain people and their dealings with the outbreak of AIDS in the 80's. It stars Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson, and Mary-louise Parker. This isn't the first movie mary-louise has done with AIDS as the premise of the plot. This movie is six hours of struggles, pain, sorrow, and hope. I love when mary-louise goes through the refridgerator and comes upon the burning christmas tree and then realizes she's really outside. I I I I, lol when emma thompson bursts through the ceilings was the funniest thing ever. Everyone gives such an amazing performance in this movie and everyone of them are brilliant actors. I mean its not hard to truly get into the characters and truly understand the struggles when you've seen it first hand. Well I can't speak for any of them as to whether they have experienced any of it themselves. Definetly a great movie and if you have not seen it you definetly should. It is a little long though but if u have the time definetly watch it.

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