Thursday, November 13, 2008


Time: 12:02 PM

Place: Kitchen

Blah, I'm now in a fucking routine again. I work, go to school, work, do homework, work, blah, its never ending. Oh well, that's what ya got to do. Its not bad, I don't hate it yet. I don't hate school at all but I know that working is going to get tedious. It's not exciting enough. Whatever, not everything can be fun. I was told the other day that I should be some one's assistant. Hmmm. Well that could be an option; I'm a crack head enough that I would enjoy running around doing stuff. I think when I get my first paycheck then I will be happier about it. It makes it worth while. Like, yes, awesome, money!!!!!! I mean, I'm getting paid pretty well also so I can't complain. I know its going to be monotonous because its clothing. I put away clothes most of the time.

Blah, never mind, I'm bored. I have to clean my room like whoa! Its a little gross. Its just messy that's all. I need to make a CD of new songs to clean too, so bye.

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