Monday, September 5, 2011

Some real courtesy...

What truly blows my mind is when people are offended when you are obnoxious or raucous when they're on the phone. Um... well, what's truly rude and obnoxious is that you're on the phone while we were having a get together. You didn't get up and excuse yourself and take the call in a more appropriate area. I mean really... I'm well within means to be however I want to be in my own room in which I invited you into. I don't know, when I ever get a phone call, I will either be the person who will put it on silent or vibrate and take the call later or excuse myself. That is true courtesy, that is some one who has manners. I don't know what happened with proper phone etiquette since the invention of the smartphone, but some people seriously don't have it or they think that every one else should stop for them because they're on the phone.

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