Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A while

A lot happens in three months. I have moved to Portland, Oregon and at first I was apprehensive about it. I didn't know how to feel about it, it was quite the change. I was back and forth in my mind... wondering if it was right for me and only until I came back to Long Island, did I realize how much I enjoyed it. I want to go back so bad. I'm here on Long Island for a month, so before I know it, I will be going back. I attend Portland State to get my BA in English Literature and I really like the school. It is very urban and has a city feel with a very relaxed, pointer and middle finger spread mentality to it. I would say it's one of the cleanest cities I've been to, but that's not saying much, since I'm from New York. At first I didn't think it was for me, but since I've had time away from it, I've realized how much I feel alive in Oregon. I hate how Long Island makes me feel. How self conscious I get from being around these narrow minded bigots. I can't wait to return to you Portland, you're so welcoming and invigorating.

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