Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Should I Do?

I want to quit my job. I wanted so badly to take my name tag off and walk out the door on Sunday. I'm getting fed up with flaccid old ladies treating you like your less than they are and they're the ones out spending their husbands money. Hey bitch! At least I'm actually working for what I spend. Oh but then again, I don't spend money nearly as much as these women do because I get paid like a donkey's excrement. I've put a applications in two or three places but I'm not avid enough to really go and put forth the effort. I think that I'll really start doing it aggressively when I finally tell my manager that I'm quitting in two weeks. I need to at least wait till I hear about something before I do that but I don't know how much longer I can deal with this job.

Any how, school absolutely blows this semester. I'm over it already. I need to get out of that horrible school it's making me die inside. Portland in a year is where I need to be. JUST A YEAR!!!

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