Thursday, September 25, 2008

This country

Date: September 25, 2008


Place: Kitchen

I'm terrified for this country. We are in a recession already and if the dumb ass politicians don't concur soon we will be seeing a depression. I think it's funny that John McCain has said that he was going to post-pone his campaign to go to washington to sort out this matter. An ass like that, that thinks that he can put his campaign on halt doesn't seem to bright upstairs. I was recently discussing in women studies that sarah palin is the epitamy of what the republican party likes to think women are, Stupid. Women aren't stupid, to think that women would vote for her soley because she is a woman would be playing right into their trap. I mean yes you do have the some that would vote for her because she was a women, then they deserve to let the women dubb them as inferior. We went from having a great economic expansion and the lowest rate of people on welfare to this mess because of republicans. The war on something that you can't put carporial form to and the myriad innocent people in iraq that are being killed for this reason is grotesque. It's hard to believe that people can have this capacity to do such violence is beyond me, but then again here we are. I think people really need to start waking up and understanding the officials are making vicissitudinous decisions.

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