Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I believe that the constitution should be re-written to adhere to the changing times, so that the constitution can have some kind of pertinence to today's society. Many people would have to disagree(evil republicans) with the revision solely because they believe that we should preserve the rules that our forefathers bestowed. I think its a load of shit! I can't believe people still believe that the constitution makes sense to today's people; with all the technology and advances that we've made in beliefs, i don't see how that is possible. We as a country are constantly making changes and new amendment's toward the constitution, I don't see why we don't just re-write it. I guess the progression of this country will move at a glacial pace because we have the republicans to thank for their backward, out-dated, views. We already know that the republicans have already messed up our economy, why not try to satirize the things they don't understand or don't want to understand, put people who don't agree in cages and throw away the key. They only wish they had that kind of control but it's up to the democrats to take back the government and start laying the right stones to a more open minded society.

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