Date: september 30, 2008
Place: outside
I have decided that anytime someone says good bye im going to say peace and love. I want to try and pass on the love and make more peace in the world. We already have so much tumultuous situations and wars and hate. We have people making racist comment saying keep a black man out of the white house. People are going to vote for terrible people that are going to make things worse. We need to stop the violence with peace and love and it needs to be done. So I say peace and love to everyone even the stupid people that are filled with hate. Just please don't be stupid and illict peace and love where ever you go!!!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Family birthday parties
Date: September 28, 2008
Time: 9:17pm
Place: room
Omg do I hate having to deal with family parties. I sit in a room well out of the way think wow I can't believe that I'm related to these people. I guess it's hard for me to understand right wing conservatives, because I think that republicans are a odious plague but you know. Not all of them are that bad but I would say that a majority of them are pretty horrible. I need to be so inebriated to deal with them I think I would drink more than a fish. If fishes do drink water in reality I never really understood that saying. That really is the gist of how egregious my family is. I guess everyone has family members that they don't like no one is perfect but its surprising that its just about all of them that I dislike. Well I don't know but I'm just baffled about how right winged people can be and how much ignorance even your own family could have. I just have to fight each and every republican I come into contact with cause their stupid.
Time: 9:17pm
Place: room
Omg do I hate having to deal with family parties. I sit in a room well out of the way think wow I can't believe that I'm related to these people. I guess it's hard for me to understand right wing conservatives, because I think that republicans are a odious plague but you know. Not all of them are that bad but I would say that a majority of them are pretty horrible. I need to be so inebriated to deal with them I think I would drink more than a fish. If fishes do drink water in reality I never really understood that saying. That really is the gist of how egregious my family is. I guess everyone has family members that they don't like no one is perfect but its surprising that its just about all of them that I dislike. Well I don't know but I'm just baffled about how right winged people can be and how much ignorance even your own family could have. I just have to fight each and every republican I come into contact with cause their stupid.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Date: September 27, 2008
Place:Living Room
I think it's really funny that people think that life is so hard. That they have such a tough hectic life. They don't know pain and they don't know real struggle. How dare you think that your stupid decisions to do something, you know is going to be a problem, make "your life" so terrible. You have got to be kidding me, your not struggling for food, you don't have a relentless disease that is killing you from the inside, besides your stupidity. How can you say that you know struggle! Are you living in a third world country? Are you working 4 or 5 different jobs just to make ends meat. No, your not, so stop thinking that your life is so hard. Just because you had a problem with alcohol( it's not like your even a meth head or a heroine fiend) doesn't make you know what struggle is. Wake up and realize not everything is about you, you selfish fucking pig.
Anyway, I hate rain; it makes me sad because there's no sun in the sky. Where did Mr. Sun go, he left me here to rot. All the flowers are missing him, wondering when he will grace them with his sunshine.
Why do people think that everything is all about them, they certainly have some nerve.
Watch out when you go food shopping people are rude. They don't say excuse me when they walk into your path and you have to pull the over-loaded shopping cart back because their so stupid.
People are really stupid, like selfish lesbo's.
Place:Living Room
I think it's really funny that people think that life is so hard. That they have such a tough hectic life. They don't know pain and they don't know real struggle. How dare you think that your stupid decisions to do something, you know is going to be a problem, make "your life" so terrible. You have got to be kidding me, your not struggling for food, you don't have a relentless disease that is killing you from the inside, besides your stupidity. How can you say that you know struggle! Are you living in a third world country? Are you working 4 or 5 different jobs just to make ends meat. No, your not, so stop thinking that your life is so hard. Just because you had a problem with alcohol( it's not like your even a meth head or a heroine fiend) doesn't make you know what struggle is. Wake up and realize not everything is about you, you selfish fucking pig.
Anyway, I hate rain; it makes me sad because there's no sun in the sky. Where did Mr. Sun go, he left me here to rot. All the flowers are missing him, wondering when he will grace them with his sunshine.
Why do people think that everything is all about them, they certainly have some nerve.
Watch out when you go food shopping people are rude. They don't say excuse me when they walk into your path and you have to pull the over-loaded shopping cart back because their so stupid.
People are really stupid, like selfish lesbo's.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Like totally eww
Date: September 26, 2008
Place: Nowhere
Some people are totally nauseating. When they think that they don't have any pertinence toward what their children do, hmm, your intelligent. Of course you have control over what your children do jackass. Ugh seriously people really do gross me out. I can't believe that people can be so totally up in the sky and be that retarded. Seriously get the fuck over it, your not a lesbian your just a fucking fake. You say that you have fallen in love and then two weeks later it's like oh my god i can't believe how crazy that person is I'm going to break up with her. I mean come on.
my mood hasn't been great lately; I guess it's because of how dumb people are. Like seriously your that dumb. I can't stand how intellectually challenged people are in this town, grow a fucking brain. Once again another reason why it sucks here, cause of idiots like your friends. Whatever i guess you just keep going about life like everyone is an idiot. It's a little pompous but I'm beginning to wonder if it really is.
Let's all wish that everyone cared about the world and nature. That no squirrel would be killed in the streets. That maybe when you saw a possum you wouldn't cringe in disgust. That maybe you cared that you cut down all your tree's in the yard just so you could have a fucking in ground pool. That people would fish and then maybe throw them back in before they choked to death. That would be nice wouldn't it. If everyone thought about everything else but themselves all the time maybe we wouldn't be in such a mess. We wouldn't have to make an effort to keep the environment and all those save the earth organizations wouldn't exist because people would already be saving the environment on a normal basis. Human beings are disgusting, all we do is consume and destroy. I'm not going to say that I'm not at fault for any of this but I'm wondering why do we do it. Why do we have to be such destructive people? Maybe that is the curse of human beings, since creation is that all we can be is consumers. Well many would think that because they don't want to give up their rein of consumption. I need to keep smoking my 40 year decaying cigarette butt and I need my fossil fuel burning auto-mobile, how would I get to work??? You could ride a bike to where you needed to go if it wasn't so far away!!!!!!!! That is what we constantly say to ourselves, oh I would ride a bike if where I needed to go wasn't so far. We need to stop making excuses for what we can't do. I'm at fault for it too, I need to stop making excuses for why I can't go and do something as well. I have tomorrow to do it, or I can do it later. It is just plain laziness and we are all guilty of it. We all need to stop being so fucking lazy. Money hungry, pleasure cruising, beasts.
Place: Nowhere
Some people are totally nauseating. When they think that they don't have any pertinence toward what their children do, hmm, your intelligent. Of course you have control over what your children do jackass. Ugh seriously people really do gross me out. I can't believe that people can be so totally up in the sky and be that retarded. Seriously get the fuck over it, your not a lesbian your just a fucking fake. You say that you have fallen in love and then two weeks later it's like oh my god i can't believe how crazy that person is I'm going to break up with her. I mean come on.
my mood hasn't been great lately; I guess it's because of how dumb people are. Like seriously your that dumb. I can't stand how intellectually challenged people are in this town, grow a fucking brain. Once again another reason why it sucks here, cause of idiots like your friends. Whatever i guess you just keep going about life like everyone is an idiot. It's a little pompous but I'm beginning to wonder if it really is.
Let's all wish that everyone cared about the world and nature. That no squirrel would be killed in the streets. That maybe when you saw a possum you wouldn't cringe in disgust. That maybe you cared that you cut down all your tree's in the yard just so you could have a fucking in ground pool. That people would fish and then maybe throw them back in before they choked to death. That would be nice wouldn't it. If everyone thought about everything else but themselves all the time maybe we wouldn't be in such a mess. We wouldn't have to make an effort to keep the environment and all those save the earth organizations wouldn't exist because people would already be saving the environment on a normal basis. Human beings are disgusting, all we do is consume and destroy. I'm not going to say that I'm not at fault for any of this but I'm wondering why do we do it. Why do we have to be such destructive people? Maybe that is the curse of human beings, since creation is that all we can be is consumers. Well many would think that because they don't want to give up their rein of consumption. I need to keep smoking my 40 year decaying cigarette butt and I need my fossil fuel burning auto-mobile, how would I get to work??? You could ride a bike to where you needed to go if it wasn't so far away!!!!!!!! That is what we constantly say to ourselves, oh I would ride a bike if where I needed to go wasn't so far. We need to stop making excuses for what we can't do. I'm at fault for it too, I need to stop making excuses for why I can't go and do something as well. I have tomorrow to do it, or I can do it later. It is just plain laziness and we are all guilty of it. We all need to stop being so fucking lazy. Money hungry, pleasure cruising, beasts.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This country
Date: September 25, 2008
Place: Kitchen
I'm terrified for this country. We are in a recession already and if the dumb ass politicians don't concur soon we will be seeing a depression. I think it's funny that John McCain has said that he was going to post-pone his campaign to go to washington to sort out this matter. An ass like that, that thinks that he can put his campaign on halt doesn't seem to bright upstairs. I was recently discussing in women studies that sarah palin is the epitamy of what the republican party likes to think women are, Stupid. Women aren't stupid, to think that women would vote for her soley because she is a woman would be playing right into their trap. I mean yes you do have the some that would vote for her because she was a women, then they deserve to let the women dubb them as inferior. We went from having a great economic expansion and the lowest rate of people on welfare to this mess because of republicans. The war on something that you can't put carporial form to and the myriad innocent people in iraq that are being killed for this reason is grotesque. It's hard to believe that people can have this capacity to do such violence is beyond me, but then again here we are. I think people really need to start waking up and understanding the officials are making vicissitudinous decisions.
Place: Kitchen
I'm terrified for this country. We are in a recession already and if the dumb ass politicians don't concur soon we will be seeing a depression. I think it's funny that John McCain has said that he was going to post-pone his campaign to go to washington to sort out this matter. An ass like that, that thinks that he can put his campaign on halt doesn't seem to bright upstairs. I was recently discussing in women studies that sarah palin is the epitamy of what the republican party likes to think women are, Stupid. Women aren't stupid, to think that women would vote for her soley because she is a woman would be playing right into their trap. I mean yes you do have the some that would vote for her because she was a women, then they deserve to let the women dubb them as inferior. We went from having a great economic expansion and the lowest rate of people on welfare to this mess because of republicans. The war on something that you can't put carporial form to and the myriad innocent people in iraq that are being killed for this reason is grotesque. It's hard to believe that people can have this capacity to do such violence is beyond me, but then again here we are. I think people really need to start waking up and understanding the officials are making vicissitudinous decisions.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Date:september 24, 2008
Place: Room
Theirs a lot of things in my life that I need to learn to leave behind. Theirs enough regret and I don't need anymore of it. Relationships that have gone sour or jobs that went south. I have spent a lot of time looking back on those situations and let them rule what decisions I make on new challenges. Some of these situations have turned out for the better and some not the way they should have been handled. Also I haven't said somethings that needed to be said because of a silly notion that I might upset someone. What's more upsetting is letting them go on thinking what there doing is right or is ok.
I need to learn to say the things that need to be said and leave the past where it is. I can't let regret have pertinence in my life because I haven't done anything right by it.
Place: Room
Theirs a lot of things in my life that I need to learn to leave behind. Theirs enough regret and I don't need anymore of it. Relationships that have gone sour or jobs that went south. I have spent a lot of time looking back on those situations and let them rule what decisions I make on new challenges. Some of these situations have turned out for the better and some not the way they should have been handled. Also I haven't said somethings that needed to be said because of a silly notion that I might upset someone. What's more upsetting is letting them go on thinking what there doing is right or is ok.
I need to learn to say the things that need to be said and leave the past where it is. I can't let regret have pertinence in my life because I haven't done anything right by it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My heart is racing
Date: September 23, 2008
Time:3:23 pm
Place: My room
I can't believe myself and how much I just have not been thinking. I have been really stupid and flagrantly ignoring things that need immediate attention. I have been really anxious about just where I am and what im doing with how my future might turn out. It seems that nobody will have a future the way that the economy has been going, it doesn't seem like their really isn't any point to any of this when were all going to be in a deathly revolution soon. What's really funny is that I have been brushing up on my martial arts more, oh how pathetic I am.
School might even be superfluous soon and all that matters is that your making enough money to eat, or keep yourself under your own roof. Something certainly is brewing in the wings and I'm going to try and be as mentally perpared as possible and in other ways as well. I guess you have to live in the moment and live like your gonna die tomorrow.
Anyway, I wasted my time this morning getting to school because my teacher didn't show up. Last time I knew she was having some hard times with her family member dying so who knows what happened to her this morning.
Omg I really wanna play ddr, I haven't played that in forever.
Live in the Moment, Live in the Moment!!!!!
Time:3:23 pm
Place: My room
I can't believe myself and how much I just have not been thinking. I have been really stupid and flagrantly ignoring things that need immediate attention. I have been really anxious about just where I am and what im doing with how my future might turn out. It seems that nobody will have a future the way that the economy has been going, it doesn't seem like their really isn't any point to any of this when were all going to be in a deathly revolution soon. What's really funny is that I have been brushing up on my martial arts more, oh how pathetic I am.
School might even be superfluous soon and all that matters is that your making enough money to eat, or keep yourself under your own roof. Something certainly is brewing in the wings and I'm going to try and be as mentally perpared as possible and in other ways as well. I guess you have to live in the moment and live like your gonna die tomorrow.
Anyway, I wasted my time this morning getting to school because my teacher didn't show up. Last time I knew she was having some hard times with her family member dying so who knows what happened to her this morning.
Omg I really wanna play ddr, I haven't played that in forever.
Live in the Moment, Live in the Moment!!!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
I don't even know
Date: september 22, 2008
Place: BackYard
I don't know what to say. I have returned into the vapid monotony of life once again. I went to school this morning couldn't find a spot in the parking lot so i parked across the street in that office building parking lot. As i crossed the street i spilled some of my coffee on my hand. Luckily it was a few minutes old so it wasn't scolding but it still was annoying. I sat in the boring geography class almost about to fall asleep. At the end of class we handed in our map projects and i bolted. I walked back to my car smoking a cigarette, with the constant mantra in my head, I hate these people, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. I drove home and found that we did not have milk so i couldn't make my pops. I ran out to seven eleven and grabbed milk and iced coffee. Drove home and sat and did absolutely nothing. Then i decided to sit in the backyard and meditate. I just listened to the sound of the earth and something really bugged me out. The sounds of evil life consuming humans drowned out the sound of the brilliant nature. I couldn't hear the song of the bird in the tree, or the rustlings of the squirrel that was a few feet away. It really pissed me off cause all i could hear was a fucking pigs siren. Probably chasing down some kid that just wants to live. I had a really people hating experience today, what with reading the true dealing of what Sarah Palin was doing in her home town. The three chinned monkey, John McCain, had said somethings that were totally fucking fake. He said that she has continually fought oil companies, when in reality she hired a lobbyist from fucking Exxon mobile and squandered 75 million so odd dollars on a new hockey rink which put their state in debt. It cost each resident 200 for a pointless hockey rink they didn't need. People are so fucking evil its disgusting they shoot animals, syphon money to off shore accounts, and think that abortion and sex education should be abrogated.
Fucking republicans and selfish human being are a despicable waste to this world. But they are the ones that get richer and richer by the minute. Its pathetic that no one cares.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Outlets
Date: september 21, 2008
Place: My room
I awoke to my phone vibrating on the table next to me. It was mother reminding me we're going to the outlets today. I had totally forgot about the outlets. The night before I was sitting beside a fire talking with lindsay. We were planning to have a party and play pong with her friends from school. They ended up not attending because they did not have a ride so we just discussed life. Lindsay wasn't happy about not partying because she hauled ass cleaning things in preperation but she later realized that she wasn't into the whole thing. So we had a cozy night sitting by the fire.
Anyway so my mother and I drove out to the outlets. We first hit lucky brand jeans cause she was like you need pants like whoa!!!! When we walked in knowing me I spotted the lesbian behind the counter and was like mah look it's a lesbian, like she was an exotic bird in the zoo. Then we hit up some shoe stores and then found the best store there, Country Clutter. They have all that nick nackky stuff and of course they had Yankee Candle so I thought it was awesome. I was appalled when I saw that name, Michael Kors. Of course that retarded asshole has to have a store in the outlets. I think after being a fan of project runway I just hate everything about him. Then we went down the block and found applebees so we grabbed something to eat. The day ended with me finishing my geography project it was fabulous. That project was the most monotonous thing I have done but I got it done they way it should have been. It actually ended up not being that bad just really tedious.
Now I be chillin at my house with my Mar Face jammin to music and were both on computers, its kind of scary.
Place: My room
I awoke to my phone vibrating on the table next to me. It was mother reminding me we're going to the outlets today. I had totally forgot about the outlets. The night before I was sitting beside a fire talking with lindsay. We were planning to have a party and play pong with her friends from school. They ended up not attending because they did not have a ride so we just discussed life. Lindsay wasn't happy about not partying because she hauled ass cleaning things in preperation but she later realized that she wasn't into the whole thing. So we had a cozy night sitting by the fire.
Anyway so my mother and I drove out to the outlets. We first hit lucky brand jeans cause she was like you need pants like whoa!!!! When we walked in knowing me I spotted the lesbian behind the counter and was like mah look it's a lesbian, like she was an exotic bird in the zoo. Then we hit up some shoe stores and then found the best store there, Country Clutter. They have all that nick nackky stuff and of course they had Yankee Candle so I thought it was awesome. I was appalled when I saw that name, Michael Kors. Of course that retarded asshole has to have a store in the outlets. I think after being a fan of project runway I just hate everything about him. Then we went down the block and found applebees so we grabbed something to eat. The day ended with me finishing my geography project it was fabulous. That project was the most monotonous thing I have done but I got it done they way it should have been. It actually ended up not being that bad just really tedious.
Now I be chillin at my house with my Mar Face jammin to music and were both on computers, its kind of scary.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Things look opaque
Date: September 20, 2008
Time:11:00 am
Place: My Bedroom
It's so crazy, things happen to be a lot more auspicious for me lately. I'm feeling less and less like I want to kill people and hate everything and everyone. Hey don't misread me cause I still hate everything and everyone but a lot less. It's making me feel so much better. I still need to get on top of a trabajo but at least I'll be happier about it.
I'm a little sickened by the people that think life isn't perfect unless you have a significant other. Oh please don't make me vomit. People need to learn to enjoy themselves first because who's to say that that person is going to make you happy. I don't know I guess I'm just like fuck a man, I don't need him to make me happy. I think that it will find me, I have wasted enough time trying to find it. That whole pathetic notion that you need a lover to make you feel loved. That's bullshit. Also I think that its utterly pathetic that people get depressed because their "lonely" uggghhh!!!!! I guess I just might be the most ignoble human being on the face of the earth and cover everything with facetiousness but I could give two shits.
So anyway when you smell toast that means your gonna have a heart attack right or is it stroke??? Hmm??? Idk???
I think my last beta fish is seeing the all mighty light from above. He's been swimming on his side and that never means a good thing. I'm saddened but I think I have had him for a "while", poor ugly 2. What a terrible name that's why he wants to die cause his name is ugly.
Ahh shit!!!! I have to do that project and I totally forgot about it. Uuuuhhhhh shunuffinuhhh!!!!
Time:11:00 am
Place: My Bedroom
It's so crazy, things happen to be a lot more auspicious for me lately. I'm feeling less and less like I want to kill people and hate everything and everyone. Hey don't misread me cause I still hate everything and everyone but a lot less. It's making me feel so much better. I still need to get on top of a trabajo but at least I'll be happier about it.
I'm a little sickened by the people that think life isn't perfect unless you have a significant other. Oh please don't make me vomit. People need to learn to enjoy themselves first because who's to say that that person is going to make you happy. I don't know I guess I'm just like fuck a man, I don't need him to make me happy. I think that it will find me, I have wasted enough time trying to find it. That whole pathetic notion that you need a lover to make you feel loved. That's bullshit. Also I think that its utterly pathetic that people get depressed because their "lonely" uggghhh!!!!! I guess I just might be the most ignoble human being on the face of the earth and cover everything with facetiousness but I could give two shits.
So anyway when you smell toast that means your gonna have a heart attack right or is it stroke??? Hmm??? Idk???
I think my last beta fish is seeing the all mighty light from above. He's been swimming on his side and that never means a good thing. I'm saddened but I think I have had him for a "while", poor ugly 2. What a terrible name that's why he wants to die cause his name is ugly.
Ahh shit!!!! I have to do that project and I totally forgot about it. Uuuuhhhhh shunuffinuhhh!!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Backyard Frenzy
place: Lindsay's House
Lindsay and I accomplished the cleaning of the backyard. It was really disgusting, the amount of odious lawn furniture that was back there was atrocious. There also was the top of a desk table laying on the ground. It had sat out there for at least four months collecting filth and rain water. Lindsay let me kick it to pieces so that we could move the pieces to the curb. On the side of the stoop was two quagmire's of like animal tanks that had dead spiders in it. Lindsay couldn't pick it up cause she was like it's really to repulsive for me to pick up. So i mustered up the courage to lift them up and put them on the curb. then we wiped down all the furniture and the grill. The pitch black grime that came off these things was making me vomit. We hosed down the concrete so that the dirt would hopefully subside but it wasn't as good as we thought it was going to be but it was close enough. I can't believe that i helped her clean cause it was really gross. I really didn't do much today but seeing the backyard CLEAN was outrageously auspicious.
In other news i have not yet started the geography project but i will do it, i will!!!! Also I'm going to go to the outlets tomorrow and buy some stuff with my mothers money. Yay!!!!!!! Well OK then blogging yay. Oh and Kayleigh is the most facetious person i have ever met and its really vexing every time she opens her mouth.
place: Lindsay's House
Lindsay and I accomplished the cleaning of the backyard. It was really disgusting, the amount of odious lawn furniture that was back there was atrocious. There also was the top of a desk table laying on the ground. It had sat out there for at least four months collecting filth and rain water. Lindsay let me kick it to pieces so that we could move the pieces to the curb. On the side of the stoop was two quagmire's of like animal tanks that had dead spiders in it. Lindsay couldn't pick it up cause she was like it's really to repulsive for me to pick up. So i mustered up the courage to lift them up and put them on the curb. then we wiped down all the furniture and the grill. The pitch black grime that came off these things was making me vomit. We hosed down the concrete so that the dirt would hopefully subside but it wasn't as good as we thought it was going to be but it was close enough. I can't believe that i helped her clean cause it was really gross. I really didn't do much today but seeing the backyard CLEAN was outrageously auspicious.
In other news i have not yet started the geography project but i will do it, i will!!!! Also I'm going to go to the outlets tomorrow and buy some stuff with my mothers money. Yay!!!!!!! Well OK then blogging yay. Oh and Kayleigh is the most facetious person i have ever met and its really vexing every time she opens her mouth.
Geography Projects
Date:September 19, 2008
Time: 9:51 am
Place: Kitchen
I really don't want to do this project. I have to make a map, like all social studies map like legend and everything. It will probably be easy just time consuming and overly tedious. I'm not happy about doing it but i just have to buckle down and do it. This is better than working fucking 37 hour weeks at the mall. It is for the future and for my English education. That's what i have to keep reminding myself of is, its for education and better credentials for my book. It gets monotonous and daunting but just keep getting up and going and yay for coffee.
I went to the mall yesterday with my friend that I blew off for a while. It wasn't bad, it's good to have someone that is girlie and wants to shop. She can be very overly vociferous and facetious but you have to take it in doses. We had a lot of catching up time but I'm not going to say, omg I'm so sorry i can't believe we were fighting and awww like that whole mushy make up scene, that's not me. I do feel that i was a horrible person and she didn't deserve it but she gets annoying.
Hmm???? I really should go and start that project but I don't even want to like touch it till tomorrow.
Sarah Palin, she seriously needs to suddenly die, and Biden is a dumb ass. I think I'm gonna cop out and vote third party.
Time: 9:51 am
Place: Kitchen
I really don't want to do this project. I have to make a map, like all social studies map like legend and everything. It will probably be easy just time consuming and overly tedious. I'm not happy about doing it but i just have to buckle down and do it. This is better than working fucking 37 hour weeks at the mall. It is for the future and for my English education. That's what i have to keep reminding myself of is, its for education and better credentials for my book. It gets monotonous and daunting but just keep getting up and going and yay for coffee.
I went to the mall yesterday with my friend that I blew off for a while. It wasn't bad, it's good to have someone that is girlie and wants to shop. She can be very overly vociferous and facetious but you have to take it in doses. We had a lot of catching up time but I'm not going to say, omg I'm so sorry i can't believe we were fighting and awww like that whole mushy make up scene, that's not me. I do feel that i was a horrible person and she didn't deserve it but she gets annoying.
Hmm???? I really should go and start that project but I don't even want to like touch it till tomorrow.
Sarah Palin, she seriously needs to suddenly die, and Biden is a dumb ass. I think I'm gonna cop out and vote third party.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Date:sept 18, 2008
Place: women studies
I rather disused with school already. I hate waking up. I hate having to drive here, and I hate all the people that go here. This place sucks but what can u do? I have to get out of here so this is what I have to do. My back is killing me wtf im only 20 and my back feels like its 90 years old. When I went to the chiroprator it was awesome when he cracked it and my back was like totally fine and I was like yes awesome. Now it feels like it went right back to the pain shooting down my back and into my left leg. Its fucking lovely.
Place: women studies
I rather disused with school already. I hate waking up. I hate having to drive here, and I hate all the people that go here. This place sucks but what can u do? I have to get out of here so this is what I have to do. My back is killing me wtf im only 20 and my back feels like its 90 years old. When I went to the chiroprator it was awesome when he cracked it and my back was like totally fine and I was like yes awesome. Now it feels like it went right back to the pain shooting down my back and into my left leg. Its fucking lovely.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pain Killers
Time: 12:28
Place: TV Room
Hot Pink Horse Pills. Yes they are huge and pink but they are very nice. The destroy any pain and its awesome. I recently fucked up my back apparently so yea it hurts. Anyway their just awesome. I didn't go to math today cause I was like nah no thanks. Fuck that, right, math. Omg someone just ran up a moving car and then smashed his face into the concrete. Lovely people do some really stupid shit just so they could record it. Those fucking Jackass people are as simple put, Jackass'.
Woooo the pills are kicking in and I'm feeling fabulous. I need to go and get coffee.
You know what theirs a lot of things that are just completely whack in this town in this world. I don't know why people still keep getting up in the morning. Life definitely is a roller coaster never knowing when the track will start climbing back up. I wrote a poem with that line in it back when i was like in 10th grade and my teacher thought that i was going to hurt myself, Isn't that hilarious. Well it also went along with, I'm never going to see the track make its climb again before i get off the ride or something of that nature. So yes, i guess you could ascertain that i would maybe end up hurting myself. I shouldn't diminish that teacher she truly was the best, utterly amazing, person.
Oh My God, Someone just said that seabiscuit should hit the glue factory.
Date:september 16
Time: 2:40pm
Place: kitchen
Its my birthday eeeek I turn 20. Its just another age. But was really funny my birthday buddies brother said that she was an antique. I thought that was funny. I didn't do anything special but get slightly wasted. I got a present from my friend it was a tart burner it smelt good. I went to the chiropractor to to get my back fixed. Apparently my right hip was like slightly up and my right leg was shorter than my left. Then he cracked my back and it was awesome the sound that came out of my back was scary but my back feels much better.
Time: 2:40pm
Place: kitchen
Its my birthday eeeek I turn 20. Its just another age. But was really funny my birthday buddies brother said that she was an antique. I thought that was funny. I didn't do anything special but get slightly wasted. I got a present from my friend it was a tart burner it smelt good. I went to the chiropractor to to get my back fixed. Apparently my right hip was like slightly up and my right leg was shorter than my left. Then he cracked my back and it was awesome the sound that came out of my back was scary but my back feels much better.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Angels In America
Date: sept 15, 2008
Place: my room
Im watching one of the most powerful and longest movie I have ever seen. It's based in new york city with certain people and their dealings with the outbreak of AIDS in the 80's. It stars Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson, and Mary-louise Parker. This isn't the first movie mary-louise has done with AIDS as the premise of the plot. This movie is six hours of struggles, pain, sorrow, and hope. I love when mary-louise goes through the refridgerator and comes upon the burning christmas tree and then realizes she's really outside. I I I I, lol when emma thompson bursts through the ceilings was the funniest thing ever. Everyone gives such an amazing performance in this movie and everyone of them are brilliant actors. I mean its not hard to truly get into the characters and truly understand the struggles when you've seen it first hand. Well I can't speak for any of them as to whether they have experienced any of it themselves. Definetly a great movie and if you have not seen it you definetly should. It is a little long though but if u have the time definetly watch it.
Place: my room
Im watching one of the most powerful and longest movie I have ever seen. It's based in new york city with certain people and their dealings with the outbreak of AIDS in the 80's. It stars Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson, and Mary-louise Parker. This isn't the first movie mary-louise has done with AIDS as the premise of the plot. This movie is six hours of struggles, pain, sorrow, and hope. I love when mary-louise goes through the refridgerator and comes upon the burning christmas tree and then realizes she's really outside. I I I I, lol when emma thompson bursts through the ceilings was the funniest thing ever. Everyone gives such an amazing performance in this movie and everyone of them are brilliant actors. I mean its not hard to truly get into the characters and truly understand the struggles when you've seen it first hand. Well I can't speak for any of them as to whether they have experienced any of it themselves. Definetly a great movie and if you have not seen it you definetly should. It is a little long though but if u have the time definetly watch it.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Date: september 14
Place:my room
I got a new tv. Well its not really a new tv just not my own. My granparents were getting rid of their big mamma jamma of a tv so I took it. It is really fucking heavy it took three people to lift it up my stairs. Me trying to finagle it through my doorway was really funny I was like wiggling it and like jumping over it to get it from another side, it was crazy. Its really huge though and it looks really weird in my room. When I was moving it, it like slid and it almost feel of the stand and like fell on me, I screamed really loud. I think my life flashed before my eyes cause I was like this thing is going to crush me. But it was all good I caught and put it up right. Gahh. My birthday is in two days and I just want it to be over. My birthday never ends up working out the way I wanted it to so I just always want it to be september 17. Your just another year older and nothing changes so why bother getting excited over it. I guess that's pretty negative nancy to think that way but I just don't want to get my hopes up hmmmmmm wow boredum. And writing this on my sidekick is so much easier than typing on the computer.
Place:my room
I got a new tv. Well its not really a new tv just not my own. My granparents were getting rid of their big mamma jamma of a tv so I took it. It is really fucking heavy it took three people to lift it up my stairs. Me trying to finagle it through my doorway was really funny I was like wiggling it and like jumping over it to get it from another side, it was crazy. Its really huge though and it looks really weird in my room. When I was moving it, it like slid and it almost feel of the stand and like fell on me, I screamed really loud. I think my life flashed before my eyes cause I was like this thing is going to crush me. But it was all good I caught and put it up right. Gahh. My birthday is in two days and I just want it to be over. My birthday never ends up working out the way I wanted it to so I just always want it to be september 17. Your just another year older and nothing changes so why bother getting excited over it. I guess that's pretty negative nancy to think that way but I just don't want to get my hopes up hmmmmmm wow boredum. And writing this on my sidekick is so much easier than typing on the computer.
Date: september 14
Time: 6:52pm
Place: kitchen
I totally forgot to blog the past two days cause I had a crazy birthday weekend. My friends birthday was this friday and my other friends birthday was last night. I got really drunk the past two nights and totally forgot about everything. well im gonna put in more blog entries so that I can make up the past two days so I will put another entry in soon. It was a crazy weekend. I met this crazy british girl who had like pink hair and all that crazyness. Sugar honey iced tea. I can't believe it has been another year already im gonna be 20 in like two days its crazy two decades. Well I will write about more of the crazyness when I have more time later. Peace.
Time: 6:52pm
Place: kitchen
I totally forgot to blog the past two days cause I had a crazy birthday weekend. My friends birthday was this friday and my other friends birthday was last night. I got really drunk the past two nights and totally forgot about everything. well im gonna put in more blog entries so that I can make up the past two days so I will put another entry in soon. It was a crazy weekend. I met this crazy british girl who had like pink hair and all that crazyness. Sugar honey iced tea. I can't believe it has been another year already im gonna be 20 in like two days its crazy two decades. Well I will write about more of the crazyness when I have more time later. Peace.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
fustration with editing
Date: sept 11, 2008
Time: 10:43pm
Place: room
Jesus mary, I really need to chill out on the over analyzing and the editing. It was really fustrating. My comp was fucking up and then I had to use my brothers computer. Then I remembered that it doesn't have a printer and was flipping out. So I mailed the paper to my email and printed it on the other comp. When I opened the paper it wasn't in the format and paragraph spacing that it was supposed to be in. I had to re format and I was like bahhhhh. I don't know but it seems like things just don't seem to go my way a lot, its daunting but you have to rise above it. I'll keep trying to keep that in mind and try not to over react.
Time: 10:43pm
Place: room
Jesus mary, I really need to chill out on the over analyzing and the editing. It was really fustrating. My comp was fucking up and then I had to use my brothers computer. Then I remembered that it doesn't have a printer and was flipping out. So I mailed the paper to my email and printed it on the other comp. When I opened the paper it wasn't in the format and paragraph spacing that it was supposed to be in. I had to re format and I was like bahhhhh. I don't know but it seems like things just don't seem to go my way a lot, its daunting but you have to rise above it. I'll keep trying to keep that in mind and try not to over react.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Date: Sept 10, 2008
Time: 2:28
Place: Comp Room
Like Yay!!!! I just finished my paper for my English class and its fantastic. I read it over like 5 times and i was like whoa. My writing has gotten a lot better than when i was younger. I guess that's to be expected but honestly, yay. I'm glad that i got it finished already i just have to type it up. I'm glad that I'm back in school, the parking sucks but just doing something that's auspicious is fulfilling. Hmmmmmm, I have nothing to write about, nothing out of the ordinary has happened today. I do want it to be Friday though, It's almost birthday time. I always get excited before my birthday but then when it gets there I'm like blah whatever. My birthdays never turn out the way i want them to. I'm just waiting till next year when i turn 21 cause it's going to be fucking awesome. Yea!!!!!!!! 21!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaa those stupid girls. Yes and Pink is a scary hoochie mama, i do not want to piss her off.
Time: 2:28
Place: Comp Room
Like Yay!!!! I just finished my paper for my English class and its fantastic. I read it over like 5 times and i was like whoa. My writing has gotten a lot better than when i was younger. I guess that's to be expected but honestly, yay. I'm glad that i got it finished already i just have to type it up. I'm glad that I'm back in school, the parking sucks but just doing something that's auspicious is fulfilling. Hmmmmmm, I have nothing to write about, nothing out of the ordinary has happened today. I do want it to be Friday though, It's almost birthday time. I always get excited before my birthday but then when it gets there I'm like blah whatever. My birthdays never turn out the way i want them to. I'm just waiting till next year when i turn 21 cause it's going to be fucking awesome. Yea!!!!!!!! 21!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaa those stupid girls. Yes and Pink is a scary hoochie mama, i do not want to piss her off.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
tea with mussolini
Date: sep 9, 2008
Time: 4:02
Place: tv room
The movie I was watching was a little bit of a horrific and a whimsically hillarious movie. The movie stars cher, and judi dench. The movie take's place in italy during the 2nd world war with a group of crazy independent women. As the movie progresses you begin to see the strength and vigilance these women exude. It builds up to when the germans start taking all of the jews and putting them in concentration camps, when it starts to truly get, enlightening. Toward the end of the movie I was reminded of how much people endured during that time; what, with loosing family members, friends, brothers, children, and almost animals, they truly had a lot to keep fighting for. For Myself, I thought that we have no sense of anything to fight for. We don't have people taking away our loved ones or taking our friends left and right in a crazy struggle with a world war. Its terrible to think that things like that have happened and were we have come from, it instill's some hope. I hate that people think that war is ever the answer, its sad. I hope we never have to see the world in such turmoil ever again. we should grow and learn from our mistakes, rather then regress. All in all the movie was a true personal side to what people went through. How their lives went from being normal to being completely up-rooted.
Time: 4:02
Place: tv room
The movie I was watching was a little bit of a horrific and a whimsically hillarious movie. The movie stars cher, and judi dench. The movie take's place in italy during the 2nd world war with a group of crazy independent women. As the movie progresses you begin to see the strength and vigilance these women exude. It builds up to when the germans start taking all of the jews and putting them in concentration camps, when it starts to truly get, enlightening. Toward the end of the movie I was reminded of how much people endured during that time; what, with loosing family members, friends, brothers, children, and almost animals, they truly had a lot to keep fighting for. For Myself, I thought that we have no sense of anything to fight for. We don't have people taking away our loved ones or taking our friends left and right in a crazy struggle with a world war. Its terrible to think that things like that have happened and were we have come from, it instill's some hope. I hate that people think that war is ever the answer, its sad. I hope we never have to see the world in such turmoil ever again. we should grow and learn from our mistakes, rather then regress. All in all the movie was a true personal side to what people went through. How their lives went from being normal to being completely up-rooted.
Monday, September 8, 2008
gahh parking
Date:sep 8, 2008
Place: tv room
Wtf. The parking at nassau is outrageous. I can't believe how bad it is. Theirs so many people for so little of parking spaces. To be able to get a good spot you have to leave early in the morning to get one. Say you have a class at like 8:30 you have to be at the parking lot by at least 7:15, its ridiculous. Otherwise you drive around in circles just trying to find something you end up driving around for at least an hour. Then probably most people get fed up and go home or they park in "illegal" spots and get a 90 dollar ticket. They definately need to expand parking where ever they can. It really sux, and then you miss your class miss out on work and eneviatbly get a lower grade. Ridiculous.
Place: tv room
Wtf. The parking at nassau is outrageous. I can't believe how bad it is. Theirs so many people for so little of parking spaces. To be able to get a good spot you have to leave early in the morning to get one. Say you have a class at like 8:30 you have to be at the parking lot by at least 7:15, its ridiculous. Otherwise you drive around in circles just trying to find something you end up driving around for at least an hour. Then probably most people get fed up and go home or they park in "illegal" spots and get a 90 dollar ticket. They definately need to expand parking where ever they can. It really sux, and then you miss your class miss out on work and eneviatbly get a lower grade. Ridiculous.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Date:sep 7, 2008
Time: 12:06
Its terrible, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot start the day without coffee. Before it wasn't so bad I could have a cup whenever I need an extra jolt of energy through the day. Now I feel like utter shit and I am really irratable and mean unless I have my coffee. I think its terrible; That something has that much of a control on you. I'm a little upset with myself that I let it get this way. I used to be so against it I was I don't need it im cracked out of my face as it is even without coffee, im not gonna drink it. Until iced coffee came around I was on the no coffee train, saying nah im better than that, then someone gave me a sip of their iced coffee and it was over. Bah that abrogating coffee, whatever then another one of my vices!
Time: 12:06
Its terrible, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot start the day without coffee. Before it wasn't so bad I could have a cup whenever I need an extra jolt of energy through the day. Now I feel like utter shit and I am really irratable and mean unless I have my coffee. I think its terrible; That something has that much of a control on you. I'm a little upset with myself that I let it get this way. I used to be so against it I was I don't need it im cracked out of my face as it is even without coffee, im not gonna drink it. Until iced coffee came around I was on the no coffee train, saying nah im better than that, then someone gave me a sip of their iced coffee and it was over. Bah that abrogating coffee, whatever then another one of my vices!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Date:sep 6 2008 time: 12:01 place: bedroom Many people have different views on what or how they clean. Some people clean too much and some clean too little. You could clean for maybe a half an hour or maybe 4 hours it all depends. Now dusting is a different story for everyone. Some people have really bad allergy's so they have to dust everything and cover things with plastic, you know those houses the ones were the couches are covered in plastic. When others maybe don't even think it exists or believe it's worth it cause it just comes back the next day. If you thought that way then wouldn't making your bed and washing yourself be the same concept. But you don't, you don't NOT wash yourself then you would smell and no one would want to be near you. Hmmm? It's baffling when some lets their living space become nothing more and a nyc subway station. Where the floor is caked with dirt, the ceilings have cobwebs dangling from them, when you look out the window you think it's dark outside because the window is so dirty, it's a little ridiculous. Yet you keep walking in there and nothing changes things seem to be dirty even when they look clean and u wonder why u keep going back. I have asked myself that question many times and I still don't have the answer to it. Maybe it's because im so desensitized by the quagmire of a home that I still don't have the answer. Don't even get me started on how the poor dog is living, or how the room looks that it lives in. Maybe I will never know the answer to why I go there or maybe I already do? Hopefully one day I can have the answer so I will stop beating myself up over it.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Summer Days Gone By
Date: September 5, 2008
Time: 2:22
Place: Comp room
I realized today that many things have gone from my life. One being that summer is now officially over and im very happy about that. I hate the summer its too hot, there's too many people around, and I hate the sun. Im glad that school has started cause i have something to do that's going to be worth something in the future. It sucks that there's class everyday cause im stupid, and didn't register my classes earlier for a better schedule. I'm liking this blog thing it's the easiest way to get 20% of my grade i think its awesome. Eww Tortolini's are gross i boiled them too long. I have to show my friends niece the best movie ever, My Neighbor Totoro, I think she will love it. She also needs to watch it cause it was one of my favorite movies when i was growing up. Bleh It's gross out. My car is not making a fun noise i think she is going to die soon. Eeek, i'll be sad if she goes, she was a good car. I had some good times with her. Eww, I'm getting nostalgic, I got her two summer's ago, another summer item that will be gone. oh well, just another part of getting old.
Time: 2:22
Place: Comp room
I realized today that many things have gone from my life. One being that summer is now officially over and im very happy about that. I hate the summer its too hot, there's too many people around, and I hate the sun. Im glad that school has started cause i have something to do that's going to be worth something in the future. It sucks that there's class everyday cause im stupid, and didn't register my classes earlier for a better schedule. I'm liking this blog thing it's the easiest way to get 20% of my grade i think its awesome. Eww Tortolini's are gross i boiled them too long. I have to show my friends niece the best movie ever, My Neighbor Totoro, I think she will love it. She also needs to watch it cause it was one of my favorite movies when i was growing up. Bleh It's gross out. My car is not making a fun noise i think she is going to die soon. Eeek, i'll be sad if she goes, she was a good car. I had some good times with her. Eww, I'm getting nostalgic, I got her two summer's ago, another summer item that will be gone. oh well, just another part of getting old.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Date:September 4, 2008
Time: 2:22
Place: Comp Room
Well women studies class is pretty hilarious. I sit in a circle with a room full of women and talk about how much men suck!! It sounds a lot like my life. All of my friends consist of girls and gay men and all we do is talk about how it is an awful man's world. Of course there's the intimate discussions about politics to go along with it. I'm going to love going to that class everyday and bash about men. Then I got some freak stomach thing and puked halfway through my second class. I didn't puke in the class but was like, Whoa!!!, I'm going to puke and ran out of the room. It was lovely. Then I burned myself with my car lighter and almost hit a woman in a white Mercedes merging onto the meadow brook parkway. She was on her cell phone, of course, so i didn't feel bad about it. It turned out to be a crazy day; I guess, not crazy, just more than the usual happened. My friends and I got Lindsay's niece to ask her mom if she could get a Coach bag. She's three, so it was pretty flabergasting for her mother. The face on her mother was absolutely priceless.
Time: 2:22
Place: Comp Room
Well women studies class is pretty hilarious. I sit in a circle with a room full of women and talk about how much men suck!! It sounds a lot like my life. All of my friends consist of girls and gay men and all we do is talk about how it is an awful man's world. Of course there's the intimate discussions about politics to go along with it. I'm going to love going to that class everyday and bash about men. Then I got some freak stomach thing and puked halfway through my second class. I didn't puke in the class but was like, Whoa!!!, I'm going to puke and ran out of the room. It was lovely. Then I burned myself with my car lighter and almost hit a woman in a white Mercedes merging onto the meadow brook parkway. She was on her cell phone, of course, so i didn't feel bad about it. It turned out to be a crazy day; I guess, not crazy, just more than the usual happened. My friends and I got Lindsay's niece to ask her mom if she could get a Coach bag. She's three, so it was pretty flabergasting for her mother. The face on her mother was absolutely priceless.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I believe that the constitution should be re-written to adhere to the changing times, so that the constitution can have some kind of pertinence to today's society. Many people would have to disagree(evil republicans) with the revision solely because they believe that we should preserve the rules that our forefathers bestowed. I think its a load of shit! I can't believe people still believe that the constitution makes sense to today's people; with all the technology and advances that we've made in beliefs, i don't see how that is possible. We as a country are constantly making changes and new amendment's toward the constitution, I don't see why we don't just re-write it. I guess the progression of this country will move at a glacial pace because we have the republicans to thank for their backward, out-dated, views. We already know that the republicans have already messed up our economy, why not try to satirize the things they don't understand or don't want to understand, put people who don't agree in cages and throw away the key. They only wish they had that kind of control but it's up to the democrats to take back the government and start laying the right stones to a more open minded society.
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