Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Things are weird

I recently messed up my knee, and its rather hard for me walk. I have had way too much time to think about my life. I'm so close... so close to finishing Nassau and I couldn't be more excited. I'm slightly terrified too, I guess. I don't know what school I'm going to go to. I know I don't want to go to a school around here because I want to get out while I have the chance. This is the opportune moment for me to expand and start a different chapter in my life. I know staying around Long Island is more realistic, but I don't want to be stuck here like everyone else that stayed in a local school. They finish school, then they find a mediocre job that just barely gets them out of their parents house, after three years of working. Plus, I don't want to live here... it's so cold here (not the weather) the environment and the people. I think everyone that lives here is miserable they didn't get out or resentful of the fact that they got pulled back.

I'm feeling the extreme flip-floppy thing! What am I going to do? Stay at a local school... or run, run as far as I can!!!!

This is gong to be the biggest decision I have ever made so I'm scarred! :/

I don't know which decision will be best, and when I choose, I don't want to regret it!!!!!!

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