Thursday, September 3, 2009

The First Day

It was the first day of school today and as usual I assumed that the worst. The parking lot, honestly wasn't that terrible, I really didn't need to leave that early but better safe than sorry. I got to the first class and for the life of me I assumed that I was in my gay and lesbian literature class. It was really bewildering when I found out that it was my science fiction class. I got a little nervous when a different teacher walked through the door.

I went to American sign language next and it wasn't what I expected. The teacher doesn't let anyone speak in the class and he won't allow any English translations of the signs. There was also three different DVDs that I would have to watch at the lab in the Library. I decided to drop the class I can't afford a grade less than a B this semester. So, so long American sign language.

Astronomy was a good class as well. The teacher that teaches the class is pretty hot and the class seems like it's going to be interesting. Plus, my friend is going to give me all the labs, notes and the textbook for the class, so she can help me anytime I have a question.

It wasn't a bad day, I just have to remember to eat something!!

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