Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Parties

Time: 3:16pm

place: Home

Last night, I went to my friends Halloween party. I, at first, was waiting for my friend to come pick me up. I was sitting on the side of my house chain smoking. I was contemplating what was going to happen. I kept thinking, Oh my god, its going to be the fakest thing I have ever been to. Not the party aspect, the aspect of friends. I just figured that everyone was going to be really fake. The fake like, "Oh, How are you? How have you been? You look so good?" That kind of bullshit. At first when we had arrived it was really fake, everyone was like, " Hey how ya been?" The faces of like, oh I'm trying so hard to be nice right now. It was only from two people, they know who they are. They know they have to act real fake because they know they've been in the wrong. It's really pathetic that your closest friends are the fakest ones. It's really sad if you think about it. I certainly need new friends, is what I'm saying. Other than that, the party was actually kind of fun. Everyone always gathers around the pool table to have a jam session. The only bad side of it is that, they play the same songs all the time, from the same genre. You'll never hear any newer kind of music. If I heard Adele come out of any of their amps, I think I would have a heart attack.

Well my friends boyfriends are alright. One of them I think is the most pretentious asshole, and the other seemed like an alright kind of guy. Well I couldn't expect anything less from one of them, that's just how it always seems to end up. I miss my guitar rocking chick from the north, she's such a real chick, a pretty sarcastic one to say the least. Ehh, it was such an unsettling night. When your closest friends are fake to you, you know that theres something wrong. I'm not at fault for it, they're the ones that are making it seem weird. I never thought there was a problem. There is so much immaturity, it's sad, your twenty years old.

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